Manual 12" Heavy Gauge Constant Heat Sealer & Bag Sealer

Heat Sealers - Heavy Gauge
Manual 12" Heavy Gauge Constant Heat Sealer & Bag Sealer
The tabletop constant heat hand operated sealer is excellent for sealing poly cello films, humidity-proof cellophane films, polyethylene films, aluminum foil coated bags and gusetted bags. It comes equipped with a mesh seal 5/8 inch wide by 12 inches long. Serrated (horizontal lined) jaws available. This sealer is ideal for producing wide seals of thick bags. Portable bench top unit.
- Max. Seal Length : 12 inches
- Max. Material Thickness : 20 mil
- Seal Width : 5/8 inches
- watts : 350 W
- Weight : 26 lbs